Saturday, November 04, 2006

Ma' new pair of shoes!

I enjoyed this holiday very much, but sadly its gonna end already.
I feel like this holiday i did much more stuff than the last. Was actually busy planning for something, did some data entry, woke up really earli to have bfast with dad and went market with grandma n mom alot =.=

Other than that, i bought a plain white canvas shoe (jazz, hi-cut) and started painting. i've finally finish the shoe yesterday. wana see?

The pic above was taken when i started drawing 15% of the shoe.

this is the complete 1

i totally suck at tying shoelaces. someone gimme a lesson on tying shoelaces!!! i need help! >.<

can u see the butterfly? it's 3D. cool huh?

actually i bought some 3D stars... small stars that is. i dunno wana add in or not? i scared it will look horrible. it looks horrible enuff. gosh, i really dunno. hopully u guys can gimme some feedback, so i can improve my shoes. leave me some comments ok? muaxx!

p/s: urm, don't ask why both sides are different? i just wana be different. i'm weird.



Blogger simply me, Jason said...

I like the final outcome ^^,

really nice... selling it up on auction?

Saturday, November 04, 2006 3:02:00 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

i used to sux at tying shoe laces too. What I did was i tie a dead knot instead :P

Saturday, November 04, 2006 3:29:00 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

wow, that is some cool sneakers!

great painting. good design. hmm... just nice.

Wednesday, December 06, 2006 2:26:00 PM


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